Monday, July 26, 2010

Presentation Attempt

Hi Everyone,

So, I've tried to create a Prezi that does work but, there is some finesse editing I need help with.

I looked into how to embed a YouTube video, got routed to a video player site that needed installing, my older computer was overwhelmed with the installation I was asking it to perform, and several hours later, I'm not very happy with my project.

I know what I'd like to do, but need a little more help, time &/or a newer computer, I'm just not intuitively techie.

I see the wealth of information available to us. I want to use it. This class could become an entire semester that continually builds info and details the various site access requirements, and then makes us demonstrate our incremental achievements.

I just feel like a butterfly flitting from place to place that leaves me with little understanding of how to achieve effective use of a social network tool that I try to access.

I truly respect the power of all the technologies shown and wish to have a more in depth exposure in order to maximize their potential.


1 comment:

  1. Part of it is just playing around with stuff. Crashing and burning. I've lost count of how many files I've screwed up, computers I've temporarily crashed, and things that just plain didn't work, sometimes after hours and hours (or days) of trying.

    It's harder when there's an assignment or a project or a goal not set by you (or even a goal to begin with). One of the easiest ways I find to learn these different tools is to play with them without an end product in mind. It's always more difficult and stressful if you have to have a specific result with something. Hard to really do now, but an idea for later on after the class to become more familiar with the various items.
